
Leverage CommandBox to install into your ColdBox app:

box install cbdebugger --savedev

You will now have to configure the debugger for it to start tracking your application. This will activate the debugger in your application and render out at the end of a request as a dock or by visiting the debugger request tracker visualizer at /cbdebugger.

WireBox Mappings

Once the module is activated, the following model objects will be available for you:

  • debuggerService@cbdebugger - The main debugger service

  • JVMUtil@cbdebugger - Useful for creating thread dumps and heap dumps

  • timer@cbdebugger - Useful to time operations

WireBox Delegates

We ship the following delegates:

  • TimerDelegate@cbdebugger

You can use it to add timing capabilities to any CFC:

component delegates="TimerDelegate@cbdebugger"{

    cbTimeIt( "processData", ()=> {
        ... code to time


The available methods for delegation are:

 * Start a timer with a tracking label
 * @label The tracking label to register
 * @return A unique tracking hash you must use to stop the timer
function startCBTimer( required label )

 * End a code timer with a tracking hash. If the tracking hash is not tracked, we ignore it
 * @labelHash The timer label hash to stop
function stopCBTimer( required labelHash )

 * Time for the execution of the passed closure that we will execute for you
 * @label    The label to use as a timer label
 * @closure  The target to execute and time
 * @metadata A struct of metadata to store in the execution timer
function cbTimeIt(
	required label,
	required closure,
	struct metadata = {}

 * Add a timer to the stack manually. You will need the label, executionTime and stoppedAt timestamps
 * @label         The label to use as a timer label
 * @executionTime The execution time in ms to register
 * @startedAt     The date time the timer was started
 * @stoppedAt     The date time the timer was stopped
 * @metadata      A struct of metadata to store in the execution timer
 * @parent        An optional parent label
 * @type          The type of execution timed: request, view-render, layout-render, event, renderer
function addCBTimer(
	required label,
	required executionTime,
	startedAt       = now(),
	stoppedat       = now(),
	struct metadata = {},
	parent          = "",
	type            = "timer"

Mixin Helpers

We also add several helpers to all interceptors, layouts, views, and handlers:

 * Method to turn on the rendering of the debug panel on a request
any function showDebugger()

 * Method to turn off the rendering of the debug panel on a request
any function hideDebugger()

 * See if the debugger will be rendering or not
boolean function isDebuggerRendering()

 * Start a timer with a tracking label
 * @label The tracking label to register
 * @return A unique tracking hash you must use to stop the timer
function startCBTimer( required label )

 * End a code timer with a tracking hash. If the tracking hash is not tracked, we ignore it
 * @labelHash The timer label hash to stop
function stopCBTimer( required labelHash )

 * Time for the execution of the passed closure that we will execute for you
 * @label The label to use as a timer label
 * @closure The target to execute and time
 * @metadata A struct of metadata to store in the execution timer
function cbTimeIt( required label, required closure, struct metadata = {} )

 * Shortcut to get a reference to the ColdBox Debugger Service
function getCBDebugger()

 * Push a new tracer into the debugger. This comes from LogBox, so we follow
 * the same patterns
 * @message The message to trace
 * @severity The severity of the message
 * @category The tracking category the message came from
 * @timestamp The timestamp of the message
 * @extraInfo Extra info to store in the tracer
DebuggerService function cbTracer(
	required message,
	severity  = "info",
	category  = "",
	timestamp = now(),
	extraInfo = ""

Optional Requirements

cborm Collector

  • Hibernate extension (on Lucee)

  • orm package on ACF 2021+

Adobe SQL Collector

  • cbdebugger package on ACF 2021+

  • Check Database Activity on the debugger page or cfconfig setting

debuggingShowDatabase : true

Lucee SQL Collector

Enable debug logging and database activity in the Lucee Debugging screens or via cfconfig:


Last updated